이론 3주_역사사회학, 30년 전쟁과 베스트팔렌 조약


  1. Stephen D. Krasner. 1999. Sovereignty: Organized Hypocrisy. Princeton: Princeton University Press
    – Ch 1. Sovereignty and Its Discontents
  2. Olaf Asbach, Peter Schroeder, The Ashgate Research Companion to the Thirty Years War (2014, Routledge).
    – Ch 4. Gabriel Guarino, “The Spnaish Monarchy and the Challenges of the Thirty Years’ War”
    – Ch 23. Axel Gotthard, “The Settlement of 1648 for the German Empire”
    – Ch 24. Heinz Duchhardt, “The Peace of Westphalia: A European Peace”
  3. Olaf Asbach, Peter Schroeder. War, the State and International Law in Seventeenth-Century Europe. Ashgate (2010)
    – Ch 1. Olaf Asbach, Peter Schroeder, “War, the State and International Law in Seventeenth-Century Europe”
    – Ch 8. Peter Nitschke, “The Anatomy of Power in International Relations: The Doctrine of Reason of State as a “Realistic” Impact”
  4. Randall Lesaffer. Peace Treaties and International Law in European History. From the Late Middle Ages to World War One. Cambridge University Press, 2004
    – Ch 2. Randall Lesaffer, “Peace Treaties from Lodi to Westphalia”
    – Ch 3. Heinz Duchhardt, “Peace treaties from Westphalia to the Revolutionary Era”
  5. Spruyt, Hendrik. 1994. The Sovereign State and Its Competitors, Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    – Ch 1. Structural Change in International Relations
    – Ch 2. Organizational Variation and Selection in the International System
    – Ch 8. The Victory of the Sovereign State
  6. Daniel H. Nexon, The Struggle for Power in Early Modern Europe: Religious Conflict, Dynastic Empires, and International Change (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2009)
    – Ch 2. Theorizing International Change
    – Ch 3. The Dynastic-Imperial Pathway
  7. 전재성. 국가주권과 국제정치(미발간)
    – Ch 3. “국제”의 조직원리와 주권: 역사적 측면


  1. 베스트팔렌 평화회의 조약문들.
  2. 김준석. “17세기 중반 유럽 국제관계의 변화에 관한 연구” 국제정치논총 52(3)
  3. 김성원, “창조된 역사: 웨스트팔리아조약의 함의에 대한 비판적 고찰”
  4. 장명학, “제국(empire)과 영방(territorial state)의 긴장 속의 신성로마제국 정부”
  5. Osiander, Andrea. 2001. “Sovereignty, International Relations, and the Westphalian Myth,” International Organization 55-2: 251-287.
  6. 용채영. 2016. 베스트팔렌 신화와 신성로마제국의 존속에 관한 연구(1495-1806). 서울대학교 정치외교학부 석사학위 논문


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