이론 2주_현실주의 패러다임


  1. E. H. Carr, The Twenty Year’s Crisis
    – Ch 1-6, 13
  2. Hans J. Morgenthau, Politics among Nations (1st edition,1948/ 7th edition, 2005)
    – Ch 1-3, 19, 32
  3. Kenneth Waltz, Theory of International Politics (1979)
    – Ch 1, 5, 6
  4. John J. Mearsheimer, The Tragedy of Great Power Politics (New York: Norton, 2001).
    – Ch 1, 2
  5. Michael C. Williams, Realism Reconsidered: The Legacy of Hans J. Morgenthau in International Relations(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007)
    – Intro, Ch 3
  6. 전재성, 『정치는 도덕적인가』


  1. Gilpin, Robert, “The Richness of the Tradition of Political Realism”, International Organization 38(1984).
  2. Shimko, K. L., “Realism, Neoliberalism, and American Liberalism”, Review of Politics , 54 (1992).
  3. Lorenzo Zambernard. “The impotence of power: Morgenthau’s critique of American intervention in Vietnam,” Review of International Studies Volume 37, Issue 3 July 2011.
  4. John J. Mearsheimer, “America Unhinged,” National Interest 2014.
  5. 전재성, “E. H. 카아의 비판적 현실주의 국제정치이론”, 『한국정치학회보』제 33집 3호 1999 가을 (韓國政治學會)
  6. 전재성, “한스 모겐소(Hans Morgenthau)의 고전적 현실주의 국제정치이론 : 메타이론적 검토와 실천지(prudence)의 의미”,『국제․지역연구』제8권 제2호․1999년 여름(서울대학교 국제지역원)


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